Embrace the Beauty of Spring: A Photo Journey through Rocky Fork State Park

This spring, immerse yourself in the stunning natural beauty of Rocky Fork State Park at the “Capture The Moment” photo workshop. Led by Marty Silver, a seasoned park ranger and nature photographer, this workshop will provide an opportunity to sharpen your photographic skills while exploring the wonders of the park.

On Saturday, May 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., participants will gather at the Rocky Fork Ranger Station to kick off their photographic adventure. The workshop carries a $20 fee, which can be paid during registration at https://reserve.tnstateparks.com/register/capture-the-moment–spring-photo-workshop-2024.

During the workshop, you will spend a short time indoors at the park office, where Silver will share his expertise on basic nature photography techniques. You will learn valuable tips on camera settings, composition, and how to make the most of natural light. This indoor session will equip you with the necessary knowledge to capture the enchanting beauty of the park’s landscapes and flora.

Following the indoor session, you will venture out onto the trails of Rocky Fork State Park, guided by Silver’s extensive experience and deep understanding of the park’s ecosystem. As you walk amidst the vibrant greenery and blossoming wildflowers, be prepared to get a little dirty and damp, as nature photography often demands. Dress comfortably in long pants and sturdy hiking boots, and don’t forget to bring water and a snack to keep yourself energized.

Whether you have a DSLR, a mirrorless camera, a smartphone, or a trusty “point and shoot” camera, you are welcome to join the workshop. Bringing a tripod is strongly recommended to ensure stability in your shots, and don’t forget to pack spare camera batteries, lenses, filters, and any other accessories you may need. A sturdy knapsack will come in handy for carrying all of your equipment.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn from Marty Silver, a passionate nature photographer who has dedicated his life to documenting and protecting rare plants and animals. His work has been featured in various publications and websites, and he has taught nature photography in numerous state and national park settings.

For more information about the workshop, please contact Cory Franklin at (423) 443-6429 or email [email protected]. Join us in embracing the beauty of spring and capturing unforgettable moments at Rocky Fork State Park.

An FAQ section based on the main topics and information presented in the article:

Q: What is the “Capture The Moment” photo workshop?
A: The “Capture The Moment” photo workshop is an opportunity to sharpen your photographic skills while exploring the natural beauty of Rocky Fork State Park.

Q: Who will be leading the workshop?
A: The workshop will be led by Marty Silver, a seasoned park ranger and nature photographer with extensive experience in documenting and protecting rare plants and animals.

Q: When and where will the workshop take place?
A: The workshop will take place on Saturday, May 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Participants will gather at the Rocky Fork Ranger Station to kick off their photographic adventure.

Q: Is there a fee to participate in the workshop?
A: Yes, there is a $20 fee to participate in the workshop. This fee can be paid during registration at the following website: https://reserve.tnstateparks.com/register/capture-the-moment–spring-photo-workshop-2024

Q: What will be covered in the workshop?
A: The workshop will cover basic nature photography techniques, including camera settings, composition, and making the most of natural light. Marty Silver will share his expertise during an indoor session at the park office.

Q: What should participants bring to the workshop?
A: Participants should bring their own cameras (DSLR, mirrorless, smartphone, or point and shoot), as well as a tripod for stability. It is also recommended to bring spare camera batteries, lenses, filters, and any other accessories they may need. Dress comfortably in long pants and sturdy hiking boots, and bring water and a snack for the outdoor portion of the workshop.

Q: How can I get more information about the workshop?
A: For more information about the workshop, please contact Cory Franklin at (423) 443-6429 or email [email protected].

Definitions for key terms or jargon used within the article:

– DSLR: Digital Single-Lens Reflex camera, a type of camera that uses a mirror and prism system to deliver an optical viewfinder.
– Mirrorless camera: A type of camera that does not have a mirror between the lens and the image sensor. It allows for a compact design and electronic viewfinder.
– Point and shoot camera: A simple, compact camera designed for easy point-and-shoot photography without manual settings.
– Ecosystem: A system composed of living organisms (plants, animals, and microorganisms) interacting with each other and their environment.

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